The Campaign
A Vision for Studio’s Future
When Studio’s leadership put down roots in Logan Circle, none of them could have imagined how drastically the neighborhood around them would change. From its early years as a one-stage space in a former hot dog cart warehouse to its current multi-theatre complex on what is now one of Washington’s liveliest corridors, Studio is proud of its community and committed to adding to its vibrancy.
To deliver on this promise, it’s time to change.
Studio is embarking on a comprehensive campaign—Open Studio—to lay the foundation for its future. Beginning in spring 2021, Studio will break ground on extensive renovations that will deliver its most versatile and technologically advanced theatre space, create a more welcoming presence on the 14th Street corridor and more dynamic public spaces, and refurbish space for a dedicated rehearsal room for actors and visiting artists. Studio will address significant areas of improvement in infrastructure and operational efficiencies that will create greater organizational stability for years to come.
Artistic Innovation and Flexibility
As our most versatile space, Stage 4 has been home to some of Studio’s most dynamic projects. We will translate this excitement to the first floor with the new Victor Shargai Theatre, transforming our flagship theatre into a state-of-the-art, fully flexible space capable of immersive productions. Changes that will enhance the theatregoing experience and artistic potential include infrastructure to support new lighting, sound, and projection technology; audiovisual improvements; and vastly improved acoustical separation.
Community Connections
Open Studio is funding renovations that will create vibrant public gathering spaces, including a neighborhood café with outdoor patio, and will relocate the Box Office right inside Studio’s 14th Street entrance. Additionally, Studio will update its façade, visually unifying its three buildings with more clear signage and a bright yellow paint treatment that more clearly identifies Studio from the street and speaks to the creativity that happens inside its walls.
Operational Efficiency
Open Studio will invest in the long-term sustainability of Studio’s biggest asset—its building—by updating critical systems and infrastructure, some of which haven’t been modernized in over 15 years. A new HVAC system and fixtures will lessen Studio’s environmental footprint and decrease expenses on utilities, while optimizing their performance in our intimate theatres and throughout the building.
The Numbers
Open Studio will enable Studio Theatre to invest $20 million in its building and infrastructure, community engagement activities, and artistic initiatives, creating a solid foundation for its future. See where the funds are going and how the comprehensive campaign will achieve its goals, supporting critical areas key to Studio’s vitality and sustainability.
Open Studio Groundbreaking
On March 29, 2021, patrons, donors, and subscribers were invited to the virtual groundbreaking for Open Studio, a comprehensive $20 million investment in Studio's future. Open Studio renovations will allow for more creative flexibility from a completely re-engineered and renamed Victor Shargai Theatre, commemorating our former Board member and theatre champion, increased opportunities for community connection, and vastly improved operational efficiency for our building.