Meet the team powering Open Studio
The Open Studio campaign will position Studio Theatre for a vibrant, sustaining, and successful future by addressing areas of critical need within the organization. To bring the project to fruition, Studio has assembled a team of trusted collaborators and experts to deliver on its goals to invest deeply in artistic innovation, open its doors to the community, and preserve Studio as a landmark of the neighborhood.
Events that have transpired since March 2020 have had drastic impacts on the theatre industry at large and forced theatres across the country, including Studio, to close their doors to the public. The comprehensive Open Studio renovations are an opportunity for Studio to emerge revitalized and ready to welcome audiences and the wider community back to a space, pulsing with the excitement of live theatre and connection when we'll need it most.
Susan Butler, Co-Chair
Amy Weinberg, Co-Chair
Theo Adamstein
Carl and Rise Cole
John Guggenmos
John and Meg Hauge
Virginia A. McArthur and E.C. Michael Higgins
Craig Pascal and Victor Shargai*
David Muse, Artistic Director
Rebecca Ende Lichtenberg, Managing Director
Bianca Beckham, Director of Development
Ryan-Patrick McLaughlin, Capital Project Manager
Amy Weinberg, Chair
Jinny Goldstein, Vice-Chair
Hal Jones, Secretary
Robert B. Batarla, Treasurer
David Muse, Ex-Officio
Rebecca Ende Lichtenberg, Ex-Officio
Marc Albert
Jeremías Alvarez
Susan L. Butler, Chair Emeritus
Karen Doyne
Dr. Mark Epstein
Mark W. Foster
Navroz Gandhi
Susan L. Gordon
Jean Heilman Grier
Martin Klepper
Albert G. Lauber
Stanley J. Marcuss
Renee Matalon
Herb Milstein
Larry Naake, Chair Emeritus
Nike Opadiran
Jamie C. Pate
Katy Kunzer Rosenzweig
Teresa Schwartz
Luz Blancas Sevak
Steven A. Skalet
Bobbi Terkowitz, Chair Emeritus
Terry Theologides
Robert Tracy
Jonathan Tycko